Javi Morales F Apps

Masquerade Chat 1.0.4
Do you remember some masquerade party on aTVmovie? In this kind of party you can meet people withoutknowingtheir identity.Today we bring this to your mobile! When you go to thedisco,library, yoga class, walking the dog... sometimes you meetpeopleand if you have to continue talking with them you have toshareyour whatsapp (mobile phone) or Facebook (all yourpersonalinformation). These two apps are awesome, and we don't wanttoreplace them, but we will do more safer the process of sharethisinformation.With Masquerade Chat you can share a small uniquenumbergenerated for someone, to avoid sharing your mobile phoneorFacebook profile until you are not sure that is a trustedcontactfor you. You can talk with one people or a group, and whenyou aresure about sharing your personal information... You can takeoffthe masquerade and continue talking on the other apps!